The February 27 release of the animated fly-through video of the 35-acre Lakeside Village generated excitement among residents in Flower Mound, especially in Lakeside DFW.
The video — seen nearly 4,000 times — also generated some concerns and misunderstandings.
The answers to some of the most frequently asked questions have been catalogued in the side bar that accompanies this story.
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Many of these questions were raised in a meeting sponsored by Realty Capital for Lakeside DFW homeowners at Mio Nonno on Monday, March 5.
“We were gratified that so many took time out of their busy schedules to come out,” said Richard Myers, chief executive of Realty Capital Management, master developer of Lakeside DFW and Lakeside Village.
“We know how much this project means to the community,” he said, “and we’re determined to do it the right way, just as the Stewart Family expects us to.
“Our thanks go out to the folks at Mio Nonno who opened their doors on a Monday (when they are normally closed).”
The zoning amendments will be heard by Planning & Zoning on Monday, March 26 at 6:30 pm and by the Town Council on Monday, April 2, at 6 pm.
Realty Capital officials have been working on the plan for Lakeside Village since January of 2017, and have included residents and town officials and staff at various junctures along the way.
Sam Maddox says
Looks like you’re either for it or tough. This isn’t what I moved here for 25 years ago and I don’t want to be around when this all comes crashing down.
Robbie Cox says
Looks like a great concept and if the current phases are just a taste of what is to come, this is a VERY exciting addition to the Town of Flower Mound. I might add that this project is perfectly placed on the lake, near our commercial corridor, access to the airport, and a grand entrance to our town and southern border.
Sam Maddox says
I guess the next step is to sue that awful airport to make the noisey airplanes go away…